In power electronics we process electric power through semi-conductor switches. These power devices (MOSFET or IGBT) are at the heart of any power electronic converter. In many of our work we try find new topologies (configuration of switches) and modulation strategy (switching scheme), that improve power conversion efficiency and reduce size and cost. We emphasise on design, fabrication and testing of state of the art and advanced power converters. We do work on cutting edge embedded solutions for power electronic applications.
Research Topics :
- High-Frequency Link Isolated Converters: (DAB, LLC, PWM) Topology, Modulation, Dynamic Modelling, Control and Design.
- Medium Voltage-High-Frequency-High Power Converters: Solid-State-Transformers (SST)- Topology, Modulation, Dynamic Modelling, Control and Design.
- PWM Techniques For Multi-Phase and Multi-Level High-Power Motor Drive.
- Characterisation of Emerging Wide-Band-Gap Power Semiconductor Devices such as SiC, GaN, etc.
- Packaging and Development of Intelligent Power Module.
- Active Gate Driver Design.
- Modelling and Mitigation of EMC.
- High-Frequency Magnetics.
- Embedded Systems Design.
Grid integration of Renewables
Most renewable energy sources require power electronic converters for integration into the power grid. For instance, wind generators produce variable frequency low voltage AC, necessitating a power converter to transform this variable frequency into a fixed line frequency (50/60Hz) AC.
Enabling Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) have the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions compared to internal combustion (IC) engine-based vehicles, thereby decreasing reliance on fossil fuels and promoting clean and efficient transportation.
Aerospace Power Electronics: e-VTOL and Satellites
Satellites are primarily powered by solar energy, necessitating advanced power converters to efficiently supply onboard loads. In collaboration with ISRO, we have pioneered a high-frequency AC power system for satellites.
Motor drives
Motor drives are essential components in modern industrial and commercial applications. Fundamentally, motor drives convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, providing the necessary power for machinery ranging from small household appliances to large industrial equipment.
Integration of Grid-Scale Storage and Green Hydrogen
India has set an ambitious goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2070. As the nation’s energy demand surges, reliance on imported fossil fuels in major sectors like mobility and industry necessitates a shift towards renewable energy.
Driving Next-Generation Computation with AI
High-performance computation with artificial intelligence demands an immense number of floating-point operations per second (FLOPS), leading GPUs to consume substantial power for optimal performance. on data centres