Design of GaN-based Fast Charger for e-Scooter Workshop on EV Power Train Design, IISc Bangalore Aug-23
WBG Device Modelling and Characterization PELS India Summer School, IIT Bhubaneswar July-23
Analytical Modelling of the Switching Dynamics of SiC MOSFETs University of Minnesota ECE Sep-22
High Power Density, Efficient Power Converters for Grid Integration of Utility Scale Renewables IEEE PESGRE Tutorial Jan-22
Fast charging of Electric Vehicles-An overview Workshop on Advanced Power Conversion for Modern Grid and Transportation, Amrita School of Engineering. Dec-21
Advanced Power Electronics Laboratory Delta India Pvt. Limited Nov-21
Fast charging of Electric Vehicles: Current Status and Future Prospects HEAT Conference, PES University, Keynote Talk Oct-21
Future Power Conversion Techniques for Grid Integration of Utility Scale Renewables IEEE IECON Tutorial Oct-21
Future Power Conversion Techniques for Grid Integration of Utility Scale Renewables IEEE IECON Tutorial Oct-21
Future Grid Integration of Utility Scale Renewables PELS Day Webinar, IEEE PELS Bangalore Chapter June-21
Overview of Embedded Controllers for Power Converters BMS College, Bangalore May-20
High frequency AC power system for future satellites UR Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO Dec-19
Commercially available high voltage GaN HEMTs: A power converter perspective IEEE ICEE, Bangalore Dec-18
Euler: Life and Work ,YouTube EE Friday Seminar IISc Sept-18
Review of Commercially available Power GaN HEMTs CeNSE, IISc Feb-18
Power Electronics Research @ IISc IEEE Techical Talk, Texas Instruments, Bangalore Nov-17
Medium Voltage Grid Integration of Utility Scale Solar 2016 EECS symposium, IISc March-16
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